Edible Ecosystem Designs with Zach Loeks
There is a reason most farms are monocropping, and even diverse market gardens may focus on full plots of single annual crops—biodiversity can be tricky to manage! Edible Ecosystem Design provides a modular and systematic approach to growing annuals, perennials, and even integrating animals and fungi into a commercially viable farm or sustainable homestead. In this session, author and ecosystem innovator Zach Loeks will provide case studies from his farm and projects he works with to illustrate core principles of mimicry of wild ecosystems for productive food landscapes for maximum benefits and efficiency. For farmers, market gardeners, landscapers, and homeowners, ecosystem design is a model for profitable and productive, beautiful and bountiful land management.
Zach Loeks is an edible ecosystem designer, innovative researcher and Permaculture grower. Through Edible Eco-System Design he helps homes, farms, schools, and municipalities create more edible and diverse landscapes. He is the author of The Permaculture Market Garden, The Two-Wheel Tractor Handbook and The Edible Ecosystem Solution and The Garden Tool Handbook. Zach lives between two research projects: his award-winning farm in Cobden, ON and his urban homestead in Winnipeg, Manitoba. His online courses at www.EcosystemU.com puts YOU as the designer of your own abundant and biodiverse eco-systems! See www.zachloeks.com for more information.